If you try to be honest, open, supportive and informed you'll be going a long way to managing a difficult area as well as you can.
The i-resilience report from Robertson Cooper and online resources are the first set of integrated resilience tools available that are completely free to use, both for you and your entire organisation. Using their validated personality questionnaire and based on the responses, the i-resilience report reveals which of the four key components users naturally draw on...
What’s making you stressed? If you’re stressed, whether by your job or by something more personal, the first step to feeling better is to identify the cause. The most unhelpful thing you can do is turn to something unhealthy to help you cope, such as smoking or drinking. “In life, there’s always a solution to...
Disciplinary procedures: common mistakes made by employers In unfair dismissal claims, employment tribunals (except in Northern Ireland) take the “Acas code of practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures” into account where relevant and may increase an award of compensation by up to 25% for an employer’s unreasonable failure to follow it. Some dismissals can be...
Discipline and grievance issues It is absolutely vital that you follow fair and transparent procedures in disciplinary and grievance matters. If you fail to do so, you could find yourself judged to have dismissed someone unfairly. Good procedures will enable you to stay on the right side of the law and enable you to deal...
Checklist How to hold a disciplinary hearing Gather the facts – the allegation, evidence, and the employee’s past record. Try to resolve the issue informally first. If this does not work, raise the matter formally without delay. Inform the employee in writing, explaining the reason for the hearing and when it will take place; allow...
Stress Is my firm required by law to tackle stress? As an employer you have duties under health and safety law to assess and take measures to control risks from work-related stress. You also have a duty under common law to take reasonable care to ensure the health and safety of your employees. If one...
The causes of stress What are the common causes of stress for employees? There are many factors that can cause stress and it maybe that it is a combination of these and domestic problems that you need to be aware of. These include: Demands of the job and excessive workloads This is where employee’s feel...
Signs and symptoms of stress at work Be aware of changes in behaviour and working practices to identify the signs and symptoms of stress. These include: · Working longer hours · Increased tiredness and irritability or aggression · Deteriorating work and performance · Indecision and poor judgement · Loss of sense of humour · Uncommunicative...
Flowchart: How to have a difficult conversation In private – switch off phones, ensure you are uninterrupted Ask simple, open questions which are non-judgemental Avoid being patronising and don’t make assumptions Maintain eye contact Speak calmly Listen and respond to the issues raised by reflecting back what they say to clarify the causes Encourage the...
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