Reducing carbon keeps harmful emissions down, it also keeps damaging utility bills low.
ways to reduce carbon every day Buy locally produced food whenever possible and check for country of origin when you buy. Avoid food that is out of season, we were never meant to eat strawberries in the winter anyway! Make sure you don’t end up throwing food away just because you forgot to check the...
Environmental issues checklist Assess the environmental impact of the materials and energy you use, the waste and emissions you produce, your transport operations and the products you supply. Consider the potential risks of an accident; check whether you are insured against environmental risks. Investigate the regulations which apply to your business, and any forthcoming changes....
Checklist for Carbon Reduction Action Does the organisation understand, and explain, its carbon footprint? Has the organisation had a Carbon Trust audit, or other environmental audit? Has it implemented the recommendations? Who has responsibility for progress (overall, and at operational level) – an individual, a committee? Does it have written environmental polices and/or an...
Energy Management at Work Energy management is the use of technology to improve the energy performance of an organisation. To be fully effective it needs to be an integral part of an organisation’s wider management processes – and any corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy. The management of energy is often neglected, even though there...
How can you encourage employees to recycle in the office? Recycling is the most important part of waste management for a home or office to prevent landfills from getting bigger and bigger. Reducing the collective carbon footprint is possible if each individual participates. Offices tend to be impersonal places where employees may not think about...
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