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TRAC Services Ltd
TRAC Services is a progressive, forward thinking regulatory consultancy providing services to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries and employs 20 people at Pool near Redruth. TRAC acts as an interface between our clients and government regulatory agencies across the world responsible for medicinal products. We aim to provide clients with a high quality service...
Ginsters – A New Way of Doing Business
Ginsters have won high acclaim for their approach to responsible business practice. This short film tells you how their sustainable healthy workplace programme has been embedded in the way they now work and how they combine this with their other community activity to enhance the brand of Ginsters and engage their staff.
Their approach has won them numerous awards in recognition of the way they engage their staff and their work with local community groups, education and disadvantaged people. Mark Duddridge, their Managing Director, talks about the difference it has made to their business and some of the key lessons learned.